Situation calls for Joint Celebration to Rep. Pat Ryan and Citation to NFL Roger Goodell regarding Chiefs vs. Dolphins game on Peacock

Situation calls for Joint Celebration to Rep. Pat Ryan and Citation to NFL Roger Goodell regarding Chiefs vs. Dolphins game on Peacock

Rep. Ryan calls it like it is: “bait-and-switch BS” in describing the actions of NBC Sports and NFL executives in exclusively broadcasting tomorrow’s Chiefs vs. Dolphins wildcard game on Peacock.

He further opines “For the first time ever, fans will be forced to choose between signing up for yet another expensive streaming service or missing out on a major playoff game.” 

Molière Celebration to Rep. Pat Ryan for calling out this greedy and sudden money grab by NBC and the NFL.  

Molière Citation to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and NBC Sports president Rick Cordellaand their respective organizations. 

Recommendation to NBC/NFL: Don’t mess with this combat veteran West Point graduate — or the millions of fans you are trying to gouge.

Photo by Gene Puskar/NFL

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