Schumer says Dems must ‘look in the mirror’ after election loss – but vindictive attitude belies his bona fides

Schumer says Dems must ‘look in the mirror’ after election loss – but vindictive attitude belies his bona fides

The Molière Citations team has taken a cursory look at the annals of the representation of the Empire State in the United States Senate, and we’re hard-pressed to find a more self-destructive, mean-spirited, petty, and ultimately ineffective clown than ‘Chuck’ Schumer. Our smug photo above is from the 79th Annual Alfred E. Smith Foundation Dinner, October 2024.

The self-styled, self-important “highest Jewish elected official ever” has made a hash of it, to say the least. He has failed in his much ballyhooed ascension to the post of Senate Majority Leader:

Instead of acting like a statesman, he has managed to spit in the face of the Constitution’s separation of powers, by threatening sitting members of the U. S. Supreme Court (take a look at this article highlighting Schumer with a fist in the air), for example:

More recently, after actively joining the Congressional gang that engineered the coup to replace Joe Biden with the unelected (and unelectable) VP Harris, he now tries to foist off any accountability on anyone else he can find — even going so far as to recommend taking a fresh view of the failure of his party to acknowledge that the policies as well as the candidate lost the election (along with over a Billion dollars). 

Schumer is apparently unaware of the irony in his protestations, and must have never read Pogo, who famously observed “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

There is obviously no mirror in the office of the Senate Majority leader — unless it’s one imported from a local fun house. (Or maybe he’s become a vampire with no reflection at all.)

Lifting a phrase from his formerly Indigenous colleague from Massachusetts, “Schumer speak with Forked Tongue.” We raised this topic once before in a previous post for Schumer. Some evidence of Schumer’s forked tongue comments were chronicled by the Washington Times article from 2003:

Check out this new attack by Schumer on the will of the American people,  “privately pressing his senators to create fireworks when they question President-elect Trump’s nominees in the coming weeks”:

Why it matters: “Republicans spent four years attacking the Democratic brand and we need to use the hearings to begin returning the favor,” Schumer told his top committee Democrats in a meeting on Wednesday afternoon.

What a short memory!  This is the kind of loser-thinking that cost him the nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court.  Even Joe Biden told Susan Page in the softball USA Today interview this week that he has encouraged President-elect Trump to abandon vindictiveness. 

Chuck, when the shoe is on the other foot, sometimes it’s just going to end up penetrating your nether region.  Of course, it might be less painful if you’ve already shot your own foot full of holes.  [Insert your own image here.]

Chuck is often wrong but never in doubt. Whatever hold he has on the now MINORITY party in the Senate is fast-melting, and it’s far past time for him to be retired along with the failed policies that lost his party the White House and both houses of Congress. Molière Citation team highlighted Chuck in a recent post, you can find here. In December 2023 our team highlighted Schumer, along with Nancy Pelosi as a joint candidate, considering them both for a citation at that time. 

Van Jones remarked that “Schumer’s nose is going to start growing if he keeps saying stuff like that.” Stuff like Joe Biden is competent and capable to run a nation, not to mention to run for the second term as President. Perhaps this is telling us that Chuck could be one of the puppeteers pulling Biden’s strings?

Today’s Molière Citation goes to former Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, for his disingenuous and destructive behavior, once again snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.  May he have many successful guest appearances on The View, MSNBC, and CNN, where nobody will point out his hypocrisy and self-serving blather. 

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