Razor wire at the border: Supreme Court says feds can remove barriers in Texas meant to block migrants

Razor wire at the border: Supreme Court says feds can remove barriers in Texas meant to block migrants


Many news outlets are reporting that the U.S. Supreme Court has overruled the State’s right of Texas to protect its border against illegal entry from across the Rio Grande.

The Molière Citation goes to Chief Justice John Roberts, who joined the majority of 5 Justices to abrogate States’ rights to protect citizens — since the federal government refuses to do so. (Yes, prior to the move to impeach him, Secretary Mayorcas had already been awarded a Molière Citation.)

As for the Chief Justice, Roberts has already had 2 strikes in stretching far past the plain meaning of the Constitution: Interpreting an unconstitutional mandate as a “tax” in order to legitimize Obamacare; and reaching the bizarre conclusion in the Citizens United case that “corporations are people” for purposes of political activities (such as donations) and the First Amendment right of free speech. This is his
3rd strike — but there is no umpire to call the play.

While we’re at it, may we offer a sub-Citation to “Shrub the 43rd” for appointing Roberts to the Supreme Court?

This award would not be complete without a tip of the hat to Justice Barrett, who didn’t even file a separate opinion, but just went along with the misguided (and undisclosed) “reasoning” of the other 4.

Fortunately, the fine print discloses that the underlying case is not over. Apparently, this ruling only prevents Texas from using this means of blocking incoming immigrants. The apparent reason is that Border Patrol agents need access to them for administrative and emergency purposes, where Texas officials lack the ability to make such determinations.

That leaves just one loose end: Someone needs to come up with a creative idea about what to do with the 29 miles of concertina wire to be removed from the Rio Grande border. (Example: A quick calculation shows it would just about reach around the perimeter of the District of Columbia.)

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