This could be interesting.
Hollywood film critic expounds on the cliche of the virtuous underdog always winning, the cheater failing miserably, and the “lie of the meritocracy” coming out at the end.
Here’s the rub: not a single mention of diversity or equity or inclusion.
Whether it’s movies or their junior cousins the commercials that pervade every TV and video show, the message now must include all manner of individuals and relationships with disproportionate representation of certain groups.
The sceptics might conclude that it’s just manipulation, not to say brainwashing.
One result is that movies based on a message that merit-based success, including hard work and ethical behavior, are passé and irrelevant, and won’t attract paying customers to theaters and online entertainment subscriptions. (Disney take note.)
It appears that people want to their entertainment to celebrate traditional virtues, not applications of the Peter Principle.
At least (so far) nobody’s making movies about the valuable contributions to our society and economy from the cadre of DEI officers in the private sector, the government, and academia. That would be both fictional and require the voluntary suspension of disbelief.
Perhaps the future will