Molière Citation is awarded to both the farter and the fartee (mentioned in the article as the “idiocy enabler”) for this tour de farce.

Man has his pants on fire

Molière Citation is awarded to both the farter and the fartee (mentioned in the article as the “idiocy enabler”) for this tour de farce.

Molière Citation is awarded to both the farter and the fartee (mentioned in the article as the “idiocy enabler”) for this tour de farce.

There are too many humorous references to mention, but we’ll hazard a few.

Gives new meaning to “Liar, Liar, pants on fire.”

The poor fellow with the flaming PJs may be preparing to run for office, even though democracy is virtually unknown in his place of residence, China’s Jilin province.

It would be fun to see the prequel to this video, where Bin Touzi says “Hold my beer and watch this!”

The article is missing the mandatory disclaimer, too: “The stunt is performed by a professional on a closed track.  Do not attempt at home.”

The heck of it is that no doubt can possibly remain that others will be inspired to try it anyway, especially college students who are majoring in courses that provide them with no marketable skills.  “Hey, I’m going to become an influencer and make a zillion dollars lighting farts, so I can move out of Mom’s basement!”

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