Molière Celebration to Robert Parham, assistant professor at the University of Virginia’s McIntire School of Commerce

Molière Celebration to Robert Parham, assistant professor at the University of Virginia’s McIntire School of Commerce

We are pleased to announce the award of a Molière Celebration to Robert Parham, Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia’s McIntire School of Commerce!

Professor Parham’s presentation carries the title “To the Class of 2024: You Are All Diseased” and delves into the present-day implications of the iconic George Carlin routine of the same title. Prof. Parham has published the prescription for an antidote to the “glass half-full” (or perhaps more accurately “glass completely empty”) attitude of the malcontents among the student bodies (and faculty ranks, for that matter) out protesting against all the wrongs perpetrated by the folks in charge of our nation.

Starting from the premise that ” Rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide among people your age in the U.S. are skyrocketing ,” he looks for causes (real and imagined) before launching into a suggested array of remedies.

The good professor states early on that he wants ” to start a conversation on changing this sad state of affairs and to get you on your way to a happy and healthy life.”
Rather than being caught up in the pessimistic view leading to anxiety and depression, he correctly points out (rhetorically) that we are (even in the midst of some unsatisfactory developments) living in the “golden age of humanity” — or as close to a golden age as history has demonstrated over the past 12,000 years.

And still the unrest and dissatisfaction (and the attendant capitulation to helplessness) grow among those about to graduate from their academic nests and have to make their way in what passes for being the “real world.”

And despite all this, he poses the question “Why? Why is it that everything is amazing and nobody is happy”?

It would be beyond the remit of Molière Citations to attempt to gild Professor Parham’s lily, so we will instead commend you to read his cogent alternative commencement speech.
Please be aware that the column is a fairly long read, but worth it, even for the attention-span challenged.

And here’s a spoiler alert: You have to read to the end to find out where he squarely places the blame for this sad phenomenon.  Some will be displeased and some will be delighted, but as Professor P points out: “After all, exposing you to unfashionable ideas is a core part of a healthy education.”

For his excellent and thoughtful work, providing valuable lessons to all of us (regardless of student status), we are pleased to award Professor Robert Parham of UVA the Molière Celebration!

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