What ever happened to the division of responsibility and authority?
When did management stop managing, and when did the talking heads take over decision-making on hiring, broadcasting and editorial issues?
Maybe it’s an outgrowth of the acceptance of entertainers and celebrities and “influencers” as the arbiters of opinion and truth. (After all, we can’t let the facts get in the way of the truth!)
Where are the grown-ups?
This nonsense is reflected in the quoted Chuck Todd question about Ronna McDaniel: “Is she speaking for herself or is she speaking on behalf of who’s paying her?” NBC’s Chuck Todd asked Sunday on “Meet the Press,…” Backed up by other talking heads, he apparently wants to have it both ways: He thinks his personal opinions are sacrosanct, but other lesser beings (like McDaniel) only speak on behalf of those who are paying her.
Isn’t that just like the rest of his ilk — rules for thee, but not for me.
When one of the kids got too big for his (or her) britches, Mom used to ask “Who died and left you boss?”
At NBC News, apparently the executives went into a state of suspended animation and left the “talent” to make hiring decisions.
Other than awarding a citation like this to the NBC News executives, we might spend our time better by rearranging our sock drawers.
Fortunately, we can all change the channel, and tune in to TikTok to find out the “truth” — but only if we are ready to handle it.*
*With a tip of the hat to Jack Nicholson in “A Few Good Men.”