WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden announced Friday he’s issuing a federal pardon to every American who has used marijuana in the past, including those who were never arrested or prosecuted.
It’s a challenge to figure out which of the politically motivated objectives is foremost in the minds of the President and his cronies. Here are some choices:
Pending prosecutions will disappear, thus dropping the crime rate.
The prison population and strain on the prison system will be eased.
Jurisdictions where the police have been defunded will no longer be stretched to enforce the law.
Convicted felons will have an easier time getting registered to vote (which way they will vote is generally a done deal).
The only immediate losers will be the operators of private corrections facilities.
BTW, if this works out for marijuana users, maybe there are other federal offenses likely to be treated the same way. Be creative!
Pandering to potheads.
Apparently in a desperate attempt to raise his abysmal approval rating, the President has issued a blanket pardon to “every American who has used marijuana in the past, including those who were never arrested or prosecuted.”
Added benefit: this action will show a reduction in the reported crime rates in many jurisdictions, as well as among the underserved elements of the general population.
But will it translate to votes?
Wait and see.
Caveat: Read the small print and follow the application directions before celebrating.